Thursday, November 12, 2015

Outdoor Paint

The key to all effective outdoor paintball gun strategies is practice. Every professional paintball team spends many hours going over their paintball gun strategies. Practice allows you to have individual skills and enhance teamwork. There are four steps you should use when practicing outdoor paintball gun strategies.


Before you even being training it is best to go over the various field plans as a team and decide on the best paintball gun strategies you should use. Consider the different situations you may run into and the plans you can use. Before you actually set foot on the field you need to make sure everyone is clear on what to do.

Dry Training

In this step you need to take the time to walk through all your paintball gun strategies. You don't have to do this on the actual field, especially if you don't know where its going to be. You can practice in your backyard if necessary, just make sure everyone knows what your paintball gun strategies look like when they are in progress.

Half-Speed Training

In this training method you will actually use paintballs. Go through all of your paintball gun strategies, but go slowly like yourself did with dry training. Don't rush and use soda cans as targets. If you can hit soda can during training, you will have no trouble hitting your opponent during the game.

Full-Speed Training

Now you will be running through the field and using paint as if you were playing against real opponents. It is a good idea to do this first on the speedball field where you can get a feel for your paintball gun strategies and how the team works. Then you can do a practice run in the woods before you are ready to face your opponents.

Practice is a long and important process. By following the four steps of practice you can be successful every time you step on the field. However, any keys to successfully completing your paintball gun strategies include knowing the terrain; having good communication and teamwork; and being able to move effectively.

Know The Terrain

Study your terrain well and look for any advantages. If there are hills you can slowly climb up at a crouch. Then when you reach the top you can pop-up for a quick look before dropping to your stomach for protection. This way you can quickly and easily see what targets are available.

If the goal is to protect your flag then you should look for a tree that gives you good protection while allowing for movement. It may be a good idea to try sitting in the tree and suprising your opponents from above.

Communication and Teamwork

Communication is essential to outdoor paintball gun strategies. Make sure you have your movements planned so that everyone instinctively knows where to go and what to do just by watching each other. In outdoor paintball games communication doesn't necessarily mean the verbal kind. You don't need the other team to know what you are doing so silent communication is important. Choose a leader and base your reactive strategy off them. Choose your leader based on tactical experience, military sense and nerve.


The most important part of outdoor paintball gun strategies is movement. If you need to rush through the woods it is best to stay on uncluttered ground. When you are in the woods the spot you step on will have an impact on how loud you are. It is best to have comfortable hiking boots especially if the area is muddy and the ground is unlevel.

Another key to silence in outdoor paintball gun strategies is your hopper or paintball pods. If they are half-filled they will be as loud as baby rattles. You should choose pods that are about half or 3/4 the size of your hopper.

Outdoor Paint was originally published on Wimbledon Painters Blog

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