Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Exterior House Painting in Ottawa—In the Winter?

Ottawa House Painters Talk about Cool Weather Paints and Techniques

There used to be a time when, if you wanted to do exterior house painting in Ottawa, you had to get it done in the window between spring and summer when the outside temperatures were just right. Usually, this would be fine—except for those instances when your paint becomes damaged during the fall or winter, or things took a cold turn before you were able to finish the paint job. Then you’d have to wait until the warm weather came back to call on Ottawa house painters again.

Well, the times have changed, and today you can paint in much cooler temperatures than ever before.

The Way Things Were

Oil-based paints were the industry standard for house painting in Ottawa and around the world, and were favoured for their rich colours and smooth finishes. However, they dry slowly as it is in warm weather and even slower the cooler it gets, and can become brittle and crack in cold weather. Today, more and more painters are switching to acrylic house paint, though traditionally, most acrylics are only rated for use between 50 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit—about 10 and 24 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Paints Rated for Cool Temperatures

Today, you can hire Ottawa house painters even on chilly days, thanks to modern acrylics and additives rated for use between 35 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit (that’s about 2-10 degrees Celsius). While you wouldn’t be able to use this paint in weather below freezing (and really, would you want to?) you can certainly apply it on some of the warmer days that this particular fall and winter have in store for us—and future chilly days when you might need to touch up your paint without leaving it for spring.

What Else You Need to Know

Although your paint is rated for use at temperatures below 10 degrees Celsius, it’s important to note that it will dry much more slowly regardless of its rating. You should ideally leave a coat to dry overnight before giving it a second coat. Paint while the sun is up, ideally between the hours of 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM, and try to follow the sun—i.e. work on the side of the house receiving the most sunlight at a given time. When buying brushes and other products, ask a professional for advice on the best products for cool-weather usage. And if you’re unsure if you can take on the task yourself, be sure to contract professional Ottawa house painters.

House painting in Ottawa doesn’t have to be limited to just the spring and summer—so don’t put off that touch-up job any longer than you have to!

The post Exterior House Painting in Ottawa—In the Winter? appeared first on AXCELL PAINTING.

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