Monday, July 31, 2017

The Benefits of Content Marketing and Personal Branding

Content marketing and brand visibility can help get your business known to your target clients. In fact, almost 90% of consumers want brands to share valuable content on the Internet, based on Edelman’s consumer marketing study.

“Consumer preferences have indeed shifted from traditional to digital marketing. Dominating the digital marketing world, in particular, are storytelling, personalization, and content strategy”, according to Gary Viray, founder of Propelrr, a digital marketing agency in the Philippines. All these boil down to content marketing and personal branding.

For your painting business, this means attracting new clients and retaining existing ones by sharing high-quality, relevant content online—without asking them outright to purchase from you.

Promoting your business is all about shaping consumers’ perception of your brand. Even if your service is excellent, people won’t do business with you if they don’t see it as something that will make their lives better.

Here’s how you can tap content marketing to build your business brand and drive its growth.

Expanding your online presence

google search bar on an ipad

Content marketing helps people to easily find your company on Google, making it one of the effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies for your business. Regularly update your business website or blog with relevant content to raise its chance of showing up on the first page of Google search results.


Positioning yourself as an expert in the industry

word cloudPosition yourself as an authority in the painting industry with content marketing strategies. If people see you as a subject matter expert, you’ll quickly become their trusted source of information and advice. People will turn to you for answers and, ultimately, to avail of your services.

To start off, think of the usual questions asked about your industry. Then share your expertise by creating informative blog posts, videos, infographics or podcasts that answer those questions.

Building solid relationships

picture of comment barIf you prefer building long-term relationships with your online audience over making short-term sales, you need to step up your content marketing efforts. Your personal branding strategies should include replying to comments on your blog and social media channels. Extend your brand’s reach by commenting on the blog posts of influencers in the painting industry.

Gaining customer trust and loyalty

person typing on a computerConsumers buy only from brands they trust. Earn their trust and loyalty by implementing content marketing and personal branding strategies that will establish yourself as someone who can solve their problems. Get to know their pain points and frustrations—like how to deal with peeling paint or what can be done with leftover paint at home. Then provide actionable solutions through how-to articles, tips and tricks, hacks, and DIY tutorials. If people see you as helpful and caring to their needs, they’ll be enticed to do business with you.

Making your brand easily relatable

people with thought cloudsWhat makes your brand real and unique? Your content marketing tactics must reflect that by engaging people instead of just giving out information.

How to make your brand feel more human, relatable, and real? Add authenticity to the personal branding of your business with user-generated content. On your Facebook fan page, you can ask people to share before-and-after photos of their home remodeling project. Better yet, turn it into a photo contest on Facebook and Instagram!

Content marketing strategies work together with personal branding to help you reach out to your target audience. So make them work to your painting business’ advantage.

When you connect and engage with your clients, you’ll earn their trust, loyalty, and patronage.


Aby Nicole League, is a qualitative researcher and a passionate writer. She writes mostly about health, psychology, technology, and marketing. You can follow her on twitter via @abyleague

The post The Benefits of Content Marketing and Personal Branding appeared first on The Blogging Painters.

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